About Groundesigns

Teresa Rham

Having completed the RHS level 3 Advanced Certificate in Horticulture and a BTec level 4 Professional Diploma in Garden Design, Teresa set up a consultancy called Groundesigns.

'A Little Piece of Theatre' was her first show garden which she was inspired to design for Malvern Spring Gardening Show, having had a taste of what was involved when working as a volunteer at Chelsea in 2007. This earned her a Silver Medal.

In 2009 Teresa worked with Mike Vout and the Wrekin Housing Trust to create 'Our First Home' which won a Gold Medal from Shropshire Horticultural Society at the prestigious Shrewsbury Flower Show.

Based in Shropshire, Teresa has already undertaken a number of commissions, including private gardens, designing planting schemes, producing annual maintenance plans and an enclosed garden for use by Cancer patients at a new tumour unit in the grounds of RJAH Orthapaedic Hospital near Oswestry, Shropshire.

Teresa Rham